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Soft for Poker

Are you planning to start play poker, but would like to learn some basics first? Or maybe you’ve played for a while but consider your skills still rather wobbly? If you strive for perfection in poker – primarily in Texas Hold’em – you should consider using special poker computer programs (poker software of course isn’t the only source of knowledge, as you can also read books, participate in forums, and practice). This site will give you a review of the poker programs that can improve players’ skills.

I’m an experienced poker player myself, and want to share some helpfull tips with you. “Soft for Poker” site contains information about popular and useful poker programs. Some time ago I decided to create a couple of poker utilities myself, which I thought could be helpful if you play poker. Results of my job can be seen at “My soft” page (programs are free of charge). You can also see several flash programs I made on "Flash" page. As the popularity of poker, especially online poker, spreads world-wide, the number of poker programs also increases vastly. Many of them have similar functions, nevertheless I tried to choose and review the best ones, those you "must have". Programs are placed into two sections depending on the price: “Free Soft” and “Paid Soft”. There are some good free programs, but one has to pay for the best-known poker software. The last part of the site “Miscellaneous” contains some soft-related info like useful tips, articles, links, etc.

Wish you good luck and hope you’ll use the listed programs to improve your poker skills and winnings greatly!

News 11.03.2012: Hand converter was updated to support slightly changed PokerStars format.
22.09.2010: I managed to reduce Omaha list to about 22.000 hands! So you can get complete list of starting hands in both Hi and Hi-Low Omaha with correspondent Hutchison system points. New archive is just 120 kb!
15.06.2010: Omaha hands with Hutchison system points. You can download archive (31 Mb for both Omaha Hi and Hi-Low). Unfortunately the list is big and excessive, but I can't reduce it now :(.
08.24.2008: PokerLuckMeter supports Postgre 8.3 databases.
06.05.2007: Small fun flash game was added. Now you have chance to face famous poker players ;).
02.24.2007: Hand history replayer is added. You can replay and record your hands from more than 6 popular rooms.
01.16.2007: "Flash" page with a couple of preflop tests was added (more flash stuff expected). Minor errors corrected in PokerLuckMeter (flush-draw improvement probability).