Preflop Tests Made in Flash
Let me introduce you several preflop tests made using flash. The first test will let you to check
your knowledge in limit Texas Hold'em. I hope "Prefloper"
gave you basic preflop strategy, but in this test you will find more interesting concepts, based on the
info about opponents.
The second test is for SnG players (no-limit Hold'em). It will allow you to check your knowledge about
play with short stack and big blinds. Tasks for the tests were taken from 2+2 forum, so I'm the
author of the flash presentation, but not the questions.
Limit Texas Hold'em preflop test. It consists of 16 tasks and takes up to 5 minutes to pass. Open
the test (it will open in new window; it requires Macromedia Flash Player 8 or above).
Sit&Go tournaments preflop test. It consists of 10 tasks and takes less than 5 minutes to
pass. Open the test (it will open in new window; it
requires Macromedia Flash Player 8 or above).
Flash Poker Hand History Replayer
Here is flash hand history replayer that will let you review hands you've played, share it with your
friends or forum members and make voting on the best moves. Replayer supports several online poker-rooms and
works through hand history converter. Converter makes hand history files easier to read, than user can
add own comments and settings and run replayer. When replay is over you can save it into database to
share with other players. You can read more about replayer here.
Poker Flash Games
Are you tired playing poker? I can offer you a short break. You can play small game "Stop
the pros!", you'll get a chance to beat some well-known poker professional players around a
poker table ;).
If you have some problems with the flash (e.g. can't see cards) than you probably have old version of
the Flash Player. You can get the last version from Macromedia
site (it's free).